I don’t trust anything but my feet and my black cushion. My feet are always my friends. When I am really standing on my feet, I am not lost. – Shunryu Suzuki
In the tradition of oriental medicine, health and well being arises through the cultivation of our vital life force — our chi. Chi flows through the whole body, mind, and spirit providing nourishment and warmth to our entire existence. Thus it is only through the free flow of chi within ourselves that health and resistance to illness is fortified. The Chinese sages perceived that the outer world was also full of chi moving through its fluctuations as expressed through the seasons of the year. By observing nature — the stars, the sun, the moon, the oceans and rivers — the sages developed a system of medicine to restore balance and health. This system includes acupuncture, herbs, food therapy, and movement therapies. After thousands of years, the profundity of their insight is still amazing to witness and experience. [Read more…] about Taijiquan